Announcing Our April 2025 Game Jam

The next Synty Game Jam will be taking place from April 10-24 NZT. The theme for this game jam will be announced the day the jam kicks off!

We’ll be announcing our Game Jam winners via livestream on Monday 5 May NZT, so make sure you’re following us on Twitch or YouTube! If you’d like to see some examples of previous Synty Game Jams, check out this blog showcasing our Spooky Game Jam winners from 2024.

Read on for some more information other frequently asked questions. 


What is a Game Jam?

A Game Jam is a time-boxed event where you create a small game. Sometimes you are able to work in times, or for solo-jams like this one, you will work alone. Typically Game Jams have a predetermined theme which is not announced until the beginning of the Jam, this is so that people have equal time to concept and develop their game idea, and to push participants to think outside the box. Game Jams are a great way to test your skills, try something new, or push yourself to finish a project. Synty typically runs two game jams a year! You can find a whole host of other game jams in a wide variety of themes to join on Itch.


Categories & Prizes

🤩"Synty's Choice" 🤩 – Synty Staffs top-voted game

📖"Best Narrative"📖  – The game with a story that really grips us

🔊"Best Audio Design"🔊 – The game with sound that immerses us the most

🃏"Wild Card Award"🃏 – The game that wows us in a way we totally weren't expecting

🫶"Community Choice"🫶 – The game chosen by the community

1x US$150 Synty Store credit prize will be awarded for each category!



What are the rules of the jam?
Please find the rules on the Itch page for this jam!

How do I register for / participate in the jam?
Join the jam on Itch and jump into the Synty Discord – you must have done both to participate. Communications regarding the jam will be updated on Discord. 

Can I submit a game I started before the jam?
You cannot use any projects you have started previously. Your submission must be created from scratch.

Do you accept team entries?
We are only accepting solo entries for this Jam.

Can I use any assets that are not Synty?
Only Synty models may be used - kitbashing is allowed as long as you can tell visually that it is Synty assets being used.

Can I include code, controllers, script etc in my project?
There are no restrictions on creation tools (Car/Character controllers, Unity store asset scripts ect). Game jams are the perfect setting to learn a ton of new things in a safe environment, so feel free to work with the tools you're comfortable with, some new feature you've been meaning to learn more about, or even a totally new game engine!

Does my game have to use a specific engine or comply with any technical restrictions?
Nope! Your game can be developed using any engine, as long as your game can be played via the browser and/or on all desktop platforms (Windows, macOS, Linux).

Can I submit a game that isn't finished to the jam?
Absolutely! Unfinished or buggy games are accepted.

Can I submit a game that includes adult, gory, or other offensive stuff in it?
We recommend keeping your submission within the PG13 / Mature rating guidelines. Submissions that would be considered rated 18+ will not be accepted. Example: Any nudity has to be nonsexual, and any swear words have to be used sparingly. For the Jam, we will allow blood and minor amounts of gore. Think about whether you'd want your 12-13 year old child seeing the content.

I found bugs or issues with my game after submissions ended. Can I change the submission?
Once submissions have ended, you will no longer be able to edit your submission. However, while the submission period is open, you are able to edit your submission.

Can I vote on the entries once voting is open?
Yes, for this Game jam we will have a single Community voted winner and winners selected by Synty Studios under judging categories. The community voting will take place through’s voting system.

If you require any clarification on any part of the FAQ, or have any questions that are not covered, please reach out in the Synty Jam Chat channel over on our Discord.

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