Synty's End User Licence Agreements (EULAs)

At Synty, we aim for simple licence agreements that are designed to work for developers. Please reach out to our support team if you have any questions about our licensing, we're happy to help!

Broadly, there are two types of licences available for Synty products. Our All Access Pass subscription plan licence, and our one time purchase licence. Read on for more information about how these EULAs vary.  

One Time Purchase Licence

As the name suggests, this licence is for any one time purchase of individual assets. Under this licence, you will have perpetual rights to use the specific pack(s) you have purchased directly. This licence is great for those who only need a couple of assets, or who are not interested in recurring subscriptions. By purchasing and/or downloading these assets you are agreeing to the terms of our One Time Purchase EULA

All Access Pass Standard Subscription Licence

Under this licence you have access to the entire Synty library for a monthly or annual fee. You are licensed for development using any assets available to you while your subscription plan is active. Our Subscription Licence is a great option for those who prefer access to a wide variety of assets and/or who are working on a number of different projects. By purchasing a subscription plan and downloading these assets you are agreeing to the terms of the Standard Subscription EULA.